Laila & Me's new Wellness range of dog treats have been specifically designed to add extra supplements into your dogs diet. Benefits of Tea Time Dog Treats include:
- Digestive issues
- Immune booster
- Stress relief
Doggie Tea Love Me
- promotes blood flow and circulation
- assists brain, liver and cardiovascular function
- makes dogs less vulnerable to degenerative diseases (such as stroke)
- fights age related depression
- rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and potassium
- replenish minerals lost in urine
- act as a diuretic to assist the flush toxins from the body
- support liver, kidney, heart and gallbladder function
- assists indigestion and decreases gas
- assists with arthritis.
- improves digestion
- helps tonify the liver and pancreas
- decreases gas
- treats and prevents oral infection and bacteria multiplying in the mouth.
Siberian Ginseng:
- builds resistance
- minimises stress
- reduces susceptibility to illness
- promotes health and longevity.
- has over 50% more antioxidants than green tea
- is rich in vitamins and minerals C to boost your dog’s immune system
- may alleviate discomfort from itchiness and hotspots
- helps relieve anxiety
- eases and upset stomach
- helps prevent heart disease
- promotes healthy circulation and good bone health
- is cancer fighting
- slows the ageing process.
Love Me Tea overall:
- Assist organ function and blood circulation
- Build resistance and reduce susceptibility to illness
- Provide rich vitamins, minerals and antioxidants
- Improve digestion and reduces gas
- Assist with anxiety
- Alleviates discomfort and itchiness from hotspots